Sierra's Pics:   :Hello World!!!First Days4 Months +Welcome 2009Almost 1!One Year Old!Summer 2009~ 18 MonthsWinter 2009I'm TWO!!!Trick or Treat!


Oct 31, 2010

We took Sierra out Trick-Or-Treating tonight.  She really enjoyed it.  She was spooked by a few of the scary houses, but had a great time overall.  The weather was perfect for her giraffe costume and the neighbors loved it.  She took in quite the haul of candy too.


Oct 3, 2010

Sierra made a birthday card for Grandpa Sato (a.k.a. Ye Ye)  Here she is wishing him a Happy Birthday.  Click here for the original MP4.


Sept. 30, 2010

We all know Sierra loves to dance.  Here's more:  Sierra the Ballerina!


August 20, 2010

I was trying to figure out how to mount my new helmet cam on my ski helmet.  Sierra said, "Where's MY ski helmet?" Amazingly, she remembered that she wears goggles to ski as well.  We all can't wait for snow!


July 18, 2010

Sierra started saying she wants to play tennis.  Of course, we encourage that.  I'm not sure she has her string tension quite right yet...

Dec 28, 2009

We took Sierra to Waterville Valley Ski Resort.  We hiked part way up the J bar run 5 times.  She loves the speed.  She giggled when we tucked and straight-lined the run. She really wanted to ride the chair lift.


Dec 26, 2009

Sierra made her first ski descent!!! OFF-PISTE - Backcountry - at Waterville Valley, NH.  Note that this slope is NOT groomed and quite steep!!!  We did two runs and then went sledding (on the same hill).


Nov. 28, 2009

Sierra went out for her first time roller skating.  We were a bit cautious because she's so young.  So, we told her, "No triple jumps!!!"

Nov. 25, 2009

Sierra has now graduated from her kazoo to her harmonica.  Here she is with her first composition.  The biggest problem is that she wants to see the pictures and videos before we're done taking them.  Here is Sierra playin' the blues...

July  20, 20099

Sierra is WALKING!!!  Here it is - SIERRA STRUTTIN' HER STUFF!!!

July 17, 2009

Sierra took her first steps today!!!  She's been walking while pushing her various push toys, as well as chairs, strollers, and anything else she can get to slide, for quite a long time.  But, she took her first unsupported steps today.  Unfortunately, I we didn't get any video.  We'll get some soon.

May 23, 2009

We celebrated Sierra's first birthday a few days late at the Decathlon Club.  Lots of friends stopped by to wish Sierra a happy birthday.  And, as Tony said, "Welcome to the 1.0 level!"  She officially weighed 19 lbs. 14.5 oz. and was 28.5" tall.

Feb 8, 2009

I think she's saying Da Da!!!

October 4, 2008

Sierra tried out her high chair for the first time today with a tasty bowl of cereal..  See it here.

August 16, 2008

We just got back from Westlake Village, north of LA.  It was a work based trip.  But, the whole family went.  It was Sierra's first real road trip - 350 miles.  She did great, sleeping most of the way.  We're so lucky that she likes her car seat.  It was also her first time in a swimming pool.  She seemed rather indifferent to it.

We haven't weighed her lately, but you can see that she's getting pretty chunky.  She was around the 5th percentile in height and weight when she was born.  At her last checkup a few weeks ago, she was almost 13 lbs - 75th percentile in weight and 50th percentile in height and head circumference.

She sometimes goes as long as 6 hours through the night between feedings now days.  That is making the nights much easier.  We're looking forward to her first full night's sleep.

June 26, 2008

She's growing fast!  She's more and more fun every day.  See her here.

May 23, 2008

We went home today!!!  After passing all the tests, the doctors released both Kimi and Sierra to go home.  So, we packed up and headed out!

May 20, 2008 (36.7 weeks)

We were too busy this morning for Kimi to implement her plan for the day (to play tennis in the morning before going to Kaiser to deliver the baby).   But, it was nonetheless a most magnificent day...

April 22, 2008 (32 weeks)

The pink top in this picture might at first glance look the same as her top in the previous picture.  But, it is not.  Kimi doesn't fit into her pink tennis top anymore.  She has gained about 20 pounds so far.  In spite of winning her last tennis matches, she's not playing much anymore.  She's keeping busy working, working on the house, swimming, and now using the elliptical machine.

Countdown: T - 29 (days)...

March 22, 2008

Here's Kimi's latest profile.  She has now gained about 17 pounds.  As you can see from her outfit, the baby hasn't stopped her from playing tennis.  Two more months to go!!!

February 25, 2008

It's been a long time since the last doctor's appointment.  Today, we were hoping to get new ultrasound images.  But, they don't do them at this time.  We did, however, get to hear the baby's heartbeat.  Kimi is steadily growing.  To date, she has gained about 12 pounds.  Below is a picture of her taken just a few days ago showing her beautiful little tummy...

December 26, 2007

Our second ultrasound.  This time, it was part of the amnio.  We're happy to say that the amnio results turned out normal.  That's a big relief.   Anyway, we're having a baby GIRL!!!  And, here she is...


October 26, 2007

Today, Kimi had her first doctors' appointments relating to the baby on the way.  She is about 7 weeks at this point, so the doctor's estimated due date is June 15th.  But, she explained that the actual date could be 3 weeks earlier or 2 weeks later.  So, she said that we can only really say that it will be sometime in the month of June.

The exciting part of the exam was getting the first ultrasound.  We could actually see a tiny heart beating!!!  It's difficult to see in a static picture, but it's there.  See for yourself - the yoke sack is at the top, the umbilical chord is the bright spot, and the embryo is below.  It is about 1cm at this point.